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Easy Recipes Without Oil

With changing times and our lifestyle becoming more and more sedentary, we all look to make our eating habits a little bit healthier. So, it is no surprise that our search usually includes recipes without oil when it comes to cooking something new. Cooking recipes without oil is a skill which requires a little patience and skill. Here we have for you a well-chosen selection of delicious recipes that are heavy on taste and light on the oil. Our recipes without oil will change the pre-conceived notion about adding oodles of oil to make a dish tasty. An excellent choice for weight watchers gets into this section wholeheartedly as all these options are low in calories and fat. What...

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The Best Cookware For Your Induction Cooktop

With world becoming more and more about convenience and safety, conventional gas or electric cooking is now slowly being replaced with induction cooking. However, if you have an induction cooktop you will know that only certain types of pans will work on it. Now, not everyone is an expert in cookware and what works on what, so how will you know which cookware is compatible for your induction cooktop? If you are confused, then there are a few ways to make sure you are buying the right cookware and that they will work for your current pots and pans will work. In fact, there are a few small tricks that can make your induction cooktop. Induction Cooktop – How...

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Cast Iron Cookware as Compared to Other Cookware

If you are planning to or are in the middle of upgrading your cookware, you will surely end up getting a lot of advice from well-meaning friends, family and even co-workers. Sometimes, different opinions, advice and suggestions may prove to add to your already confused mind. If you are hassled and need some really authentic and expert take on cookware, you are in the right space as we have the most comprehensive comparison you can think of. In the last decade, cast iron cookware has seen a resurgence in the Indian market and we get it! There is a lot to love about cast-iron. From the rugged yet sturdy body, heavy looks and heat retention capability, cast iron’s reputation...

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How to Maintain Your Cast Iron Cookware

Let us be honest! Cast iron deserves all the love it gets, what with exceptional heat retention, naturally nonstick surface and unbeatable durability and value. It is indestructible; however, you need to treat it with love. Taking care of cast iron is like taking care of a car, service it regularly and it will last a lifetime; neglect it and it will need heavy duty repair work. This is where our care guidelines will come in handy and will help you maintain your cast iron in perfect condition or even bring a neglected pot back to life no matter how bad you have treated it. What tools can I use while cooking? Metal tools are usually not advisable for...

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