Blueberry and Rose Rasmalai

A typical festive treat enriched with the fruity flavours of blueberry and the sweet aroma of roses.


1) In a Select milk pan heat 500 ml milk.

2) Once the milk boils, add 30 ml of cold water to instantly bring down the temperature.

3) Pour in the vinegar while constantly stirring and separating the milk solids from the whey.

4) Strain the paneer/milk curds and properly squeeze out all the liquid.

5) Mix the milk solids with the cornflour to make a fine and smooth dough.

6) Shape the dough into small balls and keep aside.

7) In a Forge Stone milk sauce pan, heat around 500 ml of water along with the sugar.

8) Add in 30 ml of rose syrup just to flavour the liquid.

9) Boil the dough balls till they rise to the top and are super soft to the touch.

10) Meanwhile, in another milk pan, heat the remaining 500 ml of milk and chuck in the cardamom pods.

11) Sweeten the milk with rose syrup, add sugar if you want the milk to be extra sweet.

12) Reduce the milk till half and whisk in the blueberry powder.

13) Serve the rasmalai by placing the boiled rasmalai and pouring the milk on top.

14) Garnish with chopped pistachios and raisins.

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